The course describes the ICRRC system of ethical processing, in which integrity, competence, responsibility, respect, and concern are considered to establish a rationale for making any decision.
Objectives: Participants will be:
- Familiar with the connection between values and ethics
- Aware of the decision making steps and addressing ethical dilemmas
- Aware of the boundaries between informed consent and self disclosure
- Familiar with the boundaries between confidentiality, duty to warn, and mandatory reporting
- Aware of boundaries and relationships
By the end of this module, learners should be:
- Familiar with literature relating alcohol issues to race, ethnicity, and culture;
- Knowledgeable about diverse patterns of alcohol use among individuals from various racial, ethnic, and cultural groups-differences between and among groups;
- Knowledgeable about the effects of alcohol on different groups and the factors associated with alcohol use among members of various groups;
- Prepared to provide effective alcohol intervention and prevention services by exploring strategies appropriate for use with members of varied racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.
Crisis Intervention begins at the first moment of contact with clients. Goals and implementation of those goals results in tremendous benefits to families.
1.Understand crisis intervention goals and steps as it relates to children
2.The importance of competent assessment when working with families
3.Understanding special family situations
4.Review the importance of follow up service
5.Review crisis intervention and safety measures
6. Learn important vocabulary and terms
Professionals working with high risk populations can review the history, transmission, statistics and vaccine information for Hepatitis B. Meets the requirements for those seeking CE hours in infectious disease.
- Learn historical terms and prevalence for Hepatitis B
- Learn the DNA makeup of Hepatitis B
- Learn how it is and is not transmitted
- Learn the role that vaccinces play in Hebatitis B
The inability to part with ones belongings can get so out of control that it can become a personal crisis. The fascinating look into the lives of hoarders has hit TV and Media across the country. This course will help therapists have a better understanding of hoarding and how to treat it.
• Define the two types of hoarding
• Learn the facts and statistics of hoarding
• Learn common traits and causes of hoarding
• Learn intervention and treatment of hoarding
***New Video Course!***
Course includes a PDF of presentation information, Video, and Online Exam.
- Creating a safe space to learn
- Sensory breaks: Ideas and suggestions
- Beliefs, Values and Attitudes that drive decision making
- Technology suggestions
New! This is a must read for all mental health professionals. Seperate articles discuss medications as well as the importance of gun safety as it relates to mental health.
1. Types of medications used to treat mental health disorders
2. Side effects of medications
3. Directions for taking medications
4. Warnings about medications from the FDA
5. Reducing gun violence
***New Video Course!***
Course includes a PDF of presentation information, Video, and Online Exam.
- Tele-Health Therapy Practice Approaches
- Providing Direct Clinical Care
- Emergency Management Involving Safety Planning
- Conducting Mental Health Assessments
- Understanding Ethical/Legal Aspects
- Risk Management Concerns
When in danger, it’s natural to feel afraid. This fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to prepare to defend against the danger or to avoid it. This “fight-or-flight” response is a healthy reaction meant to protect a person from harm. But in PTSD, this reaction is changed or damaged.
- Learn what post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is
- Learn the symptoms of PTSD
- Learn how PTSD is detected
- Learn how PTSD is treated
This workshop assumes all helping professionals experience episodic functional impairments that impact job performance, whether that be due to physical health or medication issues; losses, bereavement, addictive behaviors or diagnosable mental disorders.
As professionals, we must be cognizant enough to recognize and self-monitor developing impairments so these remain manageable in the workplace.
This workshop explores where the ethical line of “too impaired to practice” needs to be, reviewing related legal mandates and professional ethical standards.
Participants will be introduced to a functional self-assessment tool and coached in how to create and use a “peer monitoring system.” David will also discuss how agencies can strengthen work policies to create positive work environments that provide maximum support to struggling employees.
A therapists or human service worker can explore life from the Christian perspective and have a better understanding when serving clients with the Christian faith. The handout is based on "The Purpose Driven Life" by Dr. Rick Warren.
- Learn Christian views on God
- Learn Christian views on becoming Christ-like
- Learn the Christian perspective of "being made for a purpose"
Identify biological, environmental, and psycho- social behavioral elements that increase risk.
- Identify key assessment factors that determine level of risk— low, moderate or high.
- Recognize signs and symptoms of secondary trauma and compassion fatigue.
- Identify effective methods to diagnose and treat suicidal individuals.
Written by: David Jensen, PHD, LSCSW, LCMFT
This is a great course for professionals seeking CEU's in the area of infectious disease. It informs professionals and parents of the basic purpose and possible side effects of each vaccine.
- Know the benefits and risks of vaccines
- Learn the types of vaccines
- Learn the steps to take when a child is vaccinated
- Learn the commonly used vaccines and their purpose